The winter skies are beautiful this time of year with the sunsets being especially colorful. Fun things to do in Jan. and Feb. include Pancakes With Penguins at the Mystic Aquarium. The Mystic Seaport hosts Winter's Aweigh in Feb. with events and activities including a winter working dogs demonstration. See Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards, Malamutes and more. During Winter's Aweigh, kids have free admission to the Seaport!
Latimer PocketNotes
Quirky PocketNotes about Latimer Point, Mystic area attractions and suggestions to make your summer holiday a success. When visiting Lords Point, Masons Island, Stonington Borough or the Mystic Drawbridge, Seaport and Aquarium, be sure to check our PocketNotes and Fun Links section for local recommendations and advice. Categories
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